- NEW! WordPress plugin - share your photos in your blog.
- A public album which show the photos to everyone.
- A private album which is not accessible by everyone (e.g. access by password/keyword or by other means)
- Only plain text files are used for saving data, no database needed. i.e. You can use it in hosting!
- It will be very easy to setup. Just put all photos(organized in a directory structure) under a single folder, put the album in a web directory and the index page will do the setup process.
- Page output in XML and display using XSL and css. User can choose amoung several layouts or design their own.
- User can choose to add watermark to their photos by specifying a watermark image.
- Information(EXIF) of the photos will be displayed, the full EXIF data will also be available.
- It will display photos as well as videos taken by modern DC camera (for videos from canon DC, the album can also display the .thm file as a preview image of the video and also display the information inside the file)
- Description can be added to each folder or photos.
- An admin interface which allow owner to modify the album title; specify the storage location of his/her photos; Adding description to a folder/photos.
To-do list:
- Provide more features (accept feature request from survey)
- Standardize the XML output and write the spec. for it
- Design a logo :)
- Write up some documents
- Add "style changing" feature
- More styles